Related Web Sites
Do you keep notes on birds that you have seen? Why not make them available for use by researchers? This is a fantastic way to make your observations relevant. It also maintains your lists so it is an excellent way to keep Ontario, county, country and world lists. NOTE: We use data from eBird to contribute to what we know about Oxford County's birds. Your data will be incorporated into our county checklist and other future publications.
iNaturalist - a database and identification tool for all organisms
This site is a database that allows you to enter all of your natural history observations and search for observations made by others. A good mobile app is available. Observations must be entered singly and are best supported by photographs or sound clips. One of the most amazing features of the app is that it makes suggestions as to the identity of whatever you photograph. It is a fabulous resource but for bird observations, eBird is still the most robust portal to use.
The Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids and Nematodes
The CNC is our national collection of insects and their relatives. Canada has one of the largest and most diverse collections of insects in the world and an excellent group of scientists studying the taxonomy and phylogenetics of these animals. Look at this site to see what they are working on and to find links to different publications and identification tools.
Ottawa Field-Naturalists' Club
This is one of the largest and oldest naturalist organizations in Ontario. Their site contains links to many Ottawa area activities and to The Canadian Field-Naturalist, one of the oldest and most significant Natural History publications in Canada (started in 1880). Many Ontario naturalists join the OFNC in order to receive this journal.