2024-25 Meetings
Note - Meetings are the typically the first Monday of the month starting at 7:30 p.m. at Huron Park Secondary School at 900 Cromwell Street in Woodstock. Park off Berwick Street and enter the school by the most south door along Berwick Street. Go straight down that hallway to the cafeteria. The cafeteria is on the left - look for the large glass windows.
Monday 9 September 2024 - 6:00pm - Potluck. Hickson Community Hall, 89 Loveys Street, Hickson.
Monday 7 October 2024. 7:30pm. Paul Gains. Coyotes - A Maligned Species!
Monday 4 November 2024. 7:30pm. Jeff Workman. Lemons into Lemonade: Thinking Outside of the Conservation Box.
Monday 2 December 2024. 7:30pm. Jack Imhof. Ribbons of Life: The Biophysical Nature of Streams and their Corridors.
Monday 6 January 2025. 7:30pm. Jenna Quinn, Ontario Nature. Ontario Nature’s Ontario Reptile and Amphibian Atlas (ORAA) publication.​
Monday 3 February 2025. 7:30pm. Member’s night and/or seed processing workshop.​
Monday 3 March 2025. 7:30pm. Elizabeth MacDougall-Shackleton. My Chemical Romance: How songbirds use smell to sniff out a compatible mate.​
Monday 7 April 2025. 7:30pm. Greg Thorn. The Secret Lives of Fungi.​
Monday 5 May 2025. 7:30pm. Dianne and Jim Ward. Grand Trails.​
Monday 2 June 2025. 6:00pm. BBQ. Location to be determined.​