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The Woodstock Field Naturalists' Club has recently started to assemble checklists and other publications of Oxford County wildlife. A bird checklist was published in 2010 and a list of dragonflies and damselflies is expected to be published in the future. These publications are available in hard copy at club meetings and can be downloaded below.
A checklist of the birds of Oxford County is available for download to the right. This checklist was prepared by Jeff Skevington, James Holdsworth and Bruce Parker and published by the club in 2010. Updates have been incorporated and are current to October 10th, 2010.
Chipping Sparrow Bronwyn Moody
Chipping Sparrow
Northern Cardinal Richard Skevington
Northern Cardinal male
Rose-breasted Grosbeak Bronwyn Moody
Rose-breasted Grosbeak female
Meadowhawk Bronwyn Moody
Killdeer Bronwyn Moody
Red-breasted Merganser Bronwyn Moody
Red-breasted Merganser
White-throated Sparrow R Skevington
White-throated Sparrow
White-crowned Sparrow R Skevington
White-crowned Sparrow
Great Blue Heron Richard Skevington
Great Blue Heron
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